Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day Inspired Pedicure

If you're looking for a last minute way to spruce up your Valentine's Day, try this quick DIY pedicure! 

I began by applying a layer of clear base coat to all my nails. Then, I chose a festive color, pink, and painted all toes except for the accent nail next to my big toe. While they were drying, I did two quick coats of pink glitter on my accent nail. Next, I just free-handed white French tips on all my pink nails (it's much easier than free-handing tips on your fingernails!). If you don't do so well free-handing, my other go to is a thin strip of scotch tape that I've stuck on my skin a few times so it's not as sticky (to save it from ripping up my first layer!). Simply place it where you want to achieve your desired tip thickness, paint, and peel carefully from one side. Finally, finish all nails with a top coat of clear polish and you're good to go!

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